Category: New Testament
Colossians 3
Colossians 2
There are many attractive yet empty philosophies out there wanting to cheat you of the simplicity and wisdom that is in Christ. Legalism also seeks to cheat you of the grace of God found at the cross. Paul sounds the alarms!
Colossians 1
The Apostle Paul from his house arrest in Rome writes to the church in the small town of Colosse. The first chapter addresses the truth of Christ. If we believe another Jesus we do not have salvation.
Acts 28
Acts 27
Salvation through shipwreck! The Apostle Paul and others begin their voyage to Rome with many twists and turns along the way. Yet Paul’s faith, and with the revelation he received from the Lord, encourages the crew to stop, pray and eat in the midst of the storm.
Acts 25:13 – 26:32
Herod Agrippa II and Bernice came to visit with the new governor, Festus, who just replaced their brother-in-law Felix. Paul had appealed to Festus to appear before Caesar, but Festus needed a charge in order for Nero to hear the case. So Festus asks Agrippa for some wisdom and insight.
Acts 24 – 25:12
Acts 23
Paul is brought before the Jewish leadership to defend himself. It is his desire to share the Gospel but before he can even get started the crowd is divided and Paul is pulled out by Roman soldier saving him from being torn limb from limb.
Acts 22
How do we hear from God? The Apostle Paul may have obeyed the Lord in going to Jerusalem, or he may have been overcome by his own desires to see Israel come to faith in Jesus and missed the Spirit’s warnings. Either way it is an example to us on why we need to hear…