Paul heads to Jerusalem despite multiple warnings from people speaking by the power of the Holy Spirit. Was Paul working against God in his desire to see the Jewish nation come to faith in Christ?
Category: New Testament
Acts 19:21 – 41 & 20
Acts 19:1-20
Pastor Carl takes an expanded look at the Roman’s Road and the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation after the Apostle Paul speaks with some of what may have been Apolos’ disciples in Ephesus.
Acts 18
From Athens Paul moves on to Corinth and soon meets up with Timothy and Silas who bring encouraging news from Macedonia. Paul is once again fired up and determined “not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”
Acts 17
Acts 16
Paul’s second missionary journey begins by visiting where he was stoned 5 years before. The Holy Spirit forbids Paul preaching in Asia but sends him to Macedonia instead, modern day Greece on the continent of Europe.
Acts 15
To circumcise or not to circumcise, that was the question that caused great debate between Paul and Barnabas and Pharisees from Jerusalem. James by the power of the Holy Spirit came up with an acceptable answer to all.
Acts 14
Paul and Barnabas move on after being kicked out from Antioch to Iconium where they escape for their lives to Lystra where they are worshiped as gods and Paul is later stoned to death. “We must through many tribulations enter the Kingdom of God!”
Acts 13:13-52
Paul shares in the synagogue of Antioch in Pisidia a short history of the nation of Israel and Jesus’ fulfillment as Messiah. The crowds love the message, the leaders don’t.
Acts 12 – 13:12
Herod has James assassinated and looks to take out Peter as well, however because of his pride Herod is taken out by the Lord and Peter is set free. The forces of good and evil continue to position themselves as our adventure continues.