The Lord ascends and the Church is born with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And that same power from on high is available to us today, in fact vital in proclaiming the wonderful works of God!
Category: New Testament
Philippians 4
Philippians 3
Philippians 2
Looking out for the interest of others, not self-seeking but serving one another for the Gospel. Jesus did not come for His sake but ours, to pay for our sin and to set an example to follow.
Philippians 1
The Apostle Paul writes from a Roman jail as a captive of Christ. His single focus is “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” It is his heart that the Philippian church have the same heart, and ultimately that we would too.
Ephesians 6
In the final chapter of Paul’s letter to the Ephesians we get more marching orders on how to walk out our faith, including the elements of spiritual armor.
Ephesians 5
Live like a Christian by imitating Him and not the world and submit to one another in the love of Christ.
Ephesians 4
Now that he has declared to us who we are in Christ, Paul begins to give instructions about how to walk it out.
Ephesians 3
As believers in Jesus Christ we are part of the fellowship of the mystery – that Jew and gentile are in one body in Christ and that man and Christ are one in Him. Oh the width, length, depth and height of the love of God!
Ephesians 2
The glories of our salvation in Christ Jesus by grace through faith. We were dead and He made us alive, we were distant but He brought us near, we were walking in the way of the world and now are seated in heavenly places with Jesus!