Do you know who you are in Christ Jesus? The Apostle Paul encourages the faithful believers at Ephesus to remember the blessings from God in Christ and prays for them (and by extension us) to learn even more of what God has in store for us.
Category: New Testament
Galatians 6
Galatians 5
Circumcision and the Gospel. Paul shares that adding the law to Jesus leaves the work of the cross of no use, making mutilation of the flesh and the following of the law destruction. Yet Jesus circumcised our evil hearts at the cross and gave us freedom to follow Him.
Galatians 4:12-21
Galatians 4:1-11
Paul expands on the picture of the law being a type of guardian until we are adopted into the family of God by faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross.
Galatians 3
Paul calls the Galatians “foolish” and “bewitched” because they were believing the lie pushed upon them that to mature in Jesus one has to live by the law. The law prepared us for Jesus, once you are in Him do not go back!
Galatians 2
False believers were creeping in to the church and urging Gentiles to come under the law. Paul confronts Peter for falling into this addition to the Gospel which actually nullifies the Gospel.
Galatians 1
Proverbs 5 & Ephesians 5
Marriage is a picture of Christ and His Church, so your marriage relationship ought to reflect that especially if you want a fulfilled life. Flee the adulteress who brings death and destruction to your whole world. Proverbs 5 and Ephesians 5 (even though the pastor said Galatians) complement and clarify…