Jesus tells His disciples, “In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Understanding what the Lord is calling to needs to move us to prayer for the power of the Holy Spirit to equip us, encourage us, and give us a bigger vision of the task…
Category: New Testament
John 15
Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit.” As He takes his disciples with Him on a walk to the garden, Jesus shares the last few things on His heart with them. Mainly we cannot do the works of God in…
John 14
The disciples were troubled, Jesus say “Let not your heart be troubled”… believe in God. Jesus was about to leave, but He would go and prepare a place and come back to receive all who believe. Jesus also went so He could send the comparable Helper – The Holy Spirit. Trusting and following Jesus is…
John 13
A couple chapters ago Mary (sister of Martha) washed Jesus’ feet with her hair, tears and expensive perfume. Now Jesus washes His disciples feet during the Last Supper. Peter refuses and Jesus explains that he does not understand. Jesus is pointing to the cross where our sins are washed clean by the blood of the…
John 12:26-50
Jesus said, “And if I am lifted up from the earth will draw all peoples to Myself.” Jesus was lifted up on the cross as the serpent was lifted up on the stick in the wilderness. All that were bitten by the snakes in the wilderness were to look to the bronze serpent for healing….
John 12:1-26
A feast to honor Jesus with the once dead and now alive Lazarus at the table! And Mary offers a wonderful act of worship for the Lord by anointing His feet with costly oil and washing them with her tears and hair. Many believe, yet many of the religious leaders grow deeper in their rejection…
John 11:28-57
Jesus wept just before He raised Lazarus from the dead. Why? Well, there are many reasons… but chief of these may be that some witnesses to the event would still not believe who He said He was. What we say about Jesus and who He is affects eternity. Everything hinges on faith in the true…
John 11:1-27
Lazarus is just asleep, and Jesus told His disciples He would go awake him again. Their response warned against going back to Judea since His life was threatened. But “doubting” Thomas responded, “Let us go that we may die with him.” Pastor Carl begins a look at the raising of Lazarus and the faith of…
John 10
Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and we as believers are the sheep of His pasture. He is the Door of the sheep gate, through Him we find pasture. But those that don’t hear is voice in believing are not part of the fold.
John 9
“I was blind but now I see!” That’s what the man born blind told the religious leaders after Jesus healed him. We too were born blind – spiritually. And Jesus has come to give us eyes to see the cross and faith to believe He is the Son of God.