Jesus speaks, people believe. At least some… but not the religious leaders who should know better because they do not know the God the presume to serve. Jesus declares they are not spiritual children of Abraham, nor is God their Father. But they are of their father the devil!
Category: New Testament
John 8:1-30
Adultery is indeed a serious sin worthy of death, as are a number of other sexual sins listed in Leviticus 20. Pastor Carl carefully exposes these sins, taking us back to Jesus who offers forgiveness to all who believe in His finished work on the cross. Jesus is the Light of the world that shines…
John 7:25-53
Jesus on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles cries out the the crowd saying, “If anyone thirsts let him come to Me and drink.” He said this as the priests circle the altar symbolically waiting for the Messiah to bring in the final harvest of souls. Much confusion of who Jesus is, but…
John 7:1-24
Pastor Carl takes a look at the history behind the Feast of Tabernacles and how Jesus “tabernacled” with us. But His very brothers did not believe, even after growing up with Jesus! Jesus was concerned with the doing the will of the Father as the others thought and walked like the world. Yet Jesus continued…
John 6:41-71
Jesus declares He is the Living Bread from heaven, compared to the manna sent by God to the Israelites in the wilderness who died. When we partake in the Lord we are given life, and we do so by believing!
John 6:1-40
Fish anyone? Jesus feeds a multitude of people in the wilderness with fish and bread, but He encourages the folks not to get stuck on the physical food that satisfies for only a time. Jesus is the bread sent from heaven to satisfy our spiritual hunger forever. But we must believe!
John 5:24-47
As the Son of Man, Jesus has been granted the position of Judge. Life flows from Him and judgment is exercised by Him in the will of the Father. Jesus continues His monologue with the Jewish leaders so that maybe, just maybe they would see Him for Who He is and be changed. Who we…
John 5:1-23
If there was actually an angel that stirred the water for healing or if it was a superstition that multitudes believed and put their hope in, we know for sure that the Creator of all things approached a man to bring him healing… on the Sabbath!
John 4:27-54
The woman at the well drops her water pot and runs to town to tell everyone about Jesus, could He be the Messiah? The Samaritans believe because of her testimony and hearing from Jesus themselves. The Galileans seek signs and wonders and favors and Jesus gives them a second silent miracle at Cana.
John 4:1-26
Jesus, weary from His journey asks for water from a Samaritan woman. Although she has been rejected by men and the Jews, Jesus offers her living water from the One who was to come.