The wounds of a friend are good, the fool will not listen to reason. As servants of Jesus we are given a stewardship of our time, talents and possessions… and the mysteries of God. “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverbs 27 read by Josef-Israel
Category: Old Testament
Proverbs 26
Honor is not fitting a fool, the lazy person or the one who is wise in his own eyes. “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverbs 26 read by Josef-Isreal
Proverbs 25
Self-control, speaking words of life, looking out for the interests of others and leaving vengeance to the Lord. “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverbs 25 read by Josef-Israel
Proverbs 24
Don’t fear or envy the wicked, but do the hard work of walking in wisdom by shining the Light. “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverb 24 read by Josef-Israel
Proverbs 23
A father warns his son to seek wisdom for self-control when eating with a king, a miser, or when simply being tempted by the world. “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverbs 23 read by Josef-Israel
Proverbs 22
Special guest Cliff Sowa of Calvary Chapel shares about a good name, a disciplined son and some sayings of the wise. “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverbs 22 read by Josef-Israel
Proverbs 21
Right in his own mind, a fleeting fancy, and violence marks the wicked. But the just fear the Lord and grow in His wisdom. “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverbs 21 read by Josef-Israel
Proverbs 20
Wine is a mocker, welcomed by the mocking fool in his rejection of God. Laziness, cheating, revenge and justifying sin do not bring life. So let’s walk circumspectly… “Proverbs on Tab” – Proverbs 20 ready by Josef-Israel
Proverbs 19
Moving away from “my way” to His way… finding truth in the Wisdom of the Lord. “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverbs 19 read by Josef-Israel
Proverbs 18
The fool is self-centered, betrays his brother, and has a filthy mouth. The wise are God and other-centered, are faithful, and speak words the bring life. “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverbs 18 read by Josef-Israel