The story of the simple young man devoid of understanding that gets enticed trapped by the adulteress… the lesson, cling to Lady Wisdom! “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverbs 7 read by Josef-Israel
Category: Old Testament
Proverbs 6
The dangers of debt, surety and messin’ with another man’s woman… “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverbs 6 read by Josef-Israel
Proverbs 5 & Ephesians 5
Marriage is a picture of Christ and His Church, so your marriage relationship ought to reflect that especially if you want a fulfilled life. Flee the adulteress who brings death and destruction to your whole world. Proverbs 5 and Ephesians 5 (even though the pastor said Galatians) complement and clarify…
Proverbs 4
The father’s father told his son the same thing the father is telling his son… get wisdom, get understanding! Exalt, honor and embrace Lady Wisdom.
Proverbs 3
A God-fearing father continues to urge his son to grab hold of Lady Wisdom for life and health, joy and boldness in the Lord!
Proverbs 2
The father continues to urge the son to walk in the way of wisdom, grabbing a hold of it, treasuring it and being protected by it.
Proverbs 1
What is a proverb, what is the purpose of proverbs and who wrote them? These questions and more are answered in the introductory chapter of Proverbs. “Proverbs on Tap” – Proverbs 1 read by Josef-Israel
Isaiah 66
Coming in for a landing with a glimpse into the glories of God and the abhorrence of the fallenness of man.
Isaiah 65
Although Israel has forsaken the Lord, because of a few good grapes God will not destroy them. It is another call to repentance for Israel, and the Church!
Isaiah 63 & 64
A man-on-the-street interview with Jesus Christ after returning from exacting vengeance on Israel’s enemies.