God instructs Jeremiah to write all the words that He had spoken to him in a scroll and have it read to the people in the Lord’s house. Cliff Sowa shares what happens next…
Category: Old Testament
Jeremiah 33-35
The Lord calls out to Israel “Call to Me,and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Cliff Sowa shares how even when Israel drifted from God, the Lord still desires to save and heal. “The Lord is good, His mercy endures forever!”
Jeremiah 31-32
Judah had been taken captive to Babylon as God’s judgment for leaving Him. Yet the love of God is greater than we can ever imagine, now Jeremiah declares that a remnant of Israel will be saved giving mercy and prosperity and a new covenant! Cliff Sowa shows how Israel will return to the promised land.
Jeremiah 29 – 30
Judah would end up taken captive and removed to Babylon. Jeremiah shares the word of the Lord through a letter to the captives encouraging them to settle in, marry, build houses and simply live life in there new “home” and that someday Israel and Judah would be restored to Jerusalem
Jeremiah 26 – 28
Bad figs cannot be eaten and neither can a rejection of God be helpful. Cliff Sowa shares from Jeremiah’s letter to those taken captive to Babylon.
Jeremiah 23 – 25
Cliff Sowa takes us through a revelation of Jesus as The Branch of David, the sign of two baskets of figs, and 70 years of desolation for an unrepentant people.
Jeremiah 20 – 22
Jeremiah is becoming more and more unpopular, people are ignoring the word of the Lord and the fate of Jerusalem is sealed. Judah has “forsaken the covenant of the Lord their God and worshiped other gods and served them” and so soon they would be taken captive to Babylon.
Jeremiah 17 – 19
Jeremiah is taken to the potter’s house to remind us that the Lord is the Potter and we are the clay. In Him we find deliverance, in Him we find rest.
Jeremiah 12 & 13
Much like Job, Jeremiah dares to ask the Lord some questions…. and the Lord answers! Cliff Sowa takes us through the conversation.
Jeremiah 10 & 11
When Judah turns from the true God to idols carved from trees they set themselves up for captivity. Jeremiah calls out and the people threaten his life. Cliff Sowa continues his study of the weeping prophet.