Category: Old Testament
Song of Songs 7 & 8
The greatest song wraps up with a mature couple growing in their love relationship with each other. As our relationship with the Lord, love grows faith by faith, grace by grace.
Song of Songs 5 & 6
A bad dream after the wedding causes the Shulamite to re-prioritize and focus again on who her beloved is, his character and strength.
Song of Songs 3 – 5:1
Cliff and Carl continue their look at the greatest song ever penned, focusing on the wedding night and the blessings of patient commitment, faithfulness, service and divinely inspired love between a man and woman.
Song of Songs 1 & 2
Pastor Carl and Brother Cliff take on the first two chapters of this celebration of marital love. Meet the characters and hear some of the comparisons to the relationship of Christ and His church.
Ecclesiastes 11 & 12
If you find life in this world vain, start giving and serving others. That’s the advise of King Solomon, along with remembering the Creator starting when you are young and able… because you will be old soon! We rap up the study of one of the most difficult books in the Bible.
Ecclesiastes 10
Dead flies, open pits, dull axes… all part of a proverbial chapter from King Solomon focusing on self-focused leaders and the destruction left behind.
Ecclesiastes 9
Good and bad happen to the righteous and the evil. How should that affect the way we look at God? Solomon has some ideas and so do we as Christians… join the living and find hope in the Lord!
Ecclesiastes 8
CCW member Cliff Sowa teaches on obeying authorities from the perspective of King Solomon.
Ecclesiastes 7
King Solomon shows signs of regret for the life he’s lived. And even with a moralistic approach, he still does not have an accurate view of the role of God in our lives.