The Lord ascends and the Church is born with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And that same power from on high is available to us today, in fact vital in proclaiming the wonderful works of God!
Category: Sermons
Sheriff Christopher Shares…
Haywood Country Sheriff, Greg Christopher shares a message of hope for the New Year. From crime stats to the Answer to all our problems, Sheriff Christopher gives us 7 elementary things God wants us to remember as we face the challenges of 2022.
Ecclesiastes 11 & 12
If you find life in this world vain, start giving and serving others. That’s the advise of King Solomon, along with remembering the Creator starting when you are young and able… because you will be old soon! We rap up the study of one of the most difficult books in the Bible.
Philippians 4
Ecclesiastes 10
Dead flies, open pits, dull axes… all part of a proverbial chapter from King Solomon focusing on self-focused leaders and the destruction left behind.
Philippians 3
Philippians 2
Looking out for the interest of others, not self-seeking but serving one another for the Gospel. Jesus did not come for His sake but ours, to pay for our sin and to set an example to follow.
Ecclesiastes 9
Good and bad happen to the righteous and the evil. How should that affect the way we look at God? Solomon has some ideas and so do we as Christians… join the living and find hope in the Lord!
Philippians 1
The Apostle Paul writes from a Roman jail as a captive of Christ. His single focus is “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” It is his heart that the Philippian church have the same heart, and ultimately that we would too.
Ecclesiastes 8
CCW member Cliff Sowa teaches on obeying authorities from the perspective of King Solomon.