With all the emphasis on spiritual gifts in the Corinthian church, Paul reminds those there that the gifts are temporary but love is forever. Therefore seek after love – in the person of Jesus.
Category: Sermons
Jeremiah 39 – 43
An attempt to find rest in Egypt actually brings judgment. Jeremiah ends up in Egypt as well and is challenged by others saying, “God did not say…” Cliff Sowa takes us through five challenging chapters.
1 Corinthians 11
God’s roles for men and women in church… a subject not to avoid but understand and celebrate. Pastor Carl navigates that subject as well as the proper attitude toward the Lord’s Supper.
1 Corinthians 10
Flee idolatry! Even though as Christians we have great freedoms, let us not use our liberties to cause others to stumble… or even ourselves as we drift from the Lord. The Apostle Paul brings out Old Testament examples to make his case.
Jeremiah 36 – 38
God instructs Jeremiah to write all the words that He had spoken to him in a scroll and have it read to the people in the Lord’s house. Cliff Sowa shares what happens next…
1 Corinthians 8-9
The Apostle Paul encourages the church at Corinth to run the race to win. Our race is to meet Jesus and bring others along. But making our rights and freedom the most important thing is very damaging. We are to surrender our rights for the well-being of others, especially to help them grow in the…
Jeremiah 33-35
The Lord calls out to Israel “Call to Me,and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Cliff Sowa shares how even when Israel drifted from God, the Lord still desires to save and heal. “The Lord is good, His mercy endures forever!”
1 Corinthians 7
Is sex evil even in marriage or does God’s grace cover sex wherever you can find it? The Apostle Paul begins to answer some sticky questions asked by the Church at Corinth. Marriage is a picture of Christ and His Church and is intended to meet many deep needs in a beautifully intimate relationship. Pastor…
Jeremiah 31-32
Judah had been taken captive to Babylon as God’s judgment for leaving Him. Yet the love of God is greater than we can ever imagine, now Jeremiah declares that a remnant of Israel will be saved giving mercy and prosperity and a new covenant! Cliff Sowa shows how Israel will return to the promised land.
1 Corinthians 6
The Apostle Paul is beside himself after finding out people in the church of Corinth are actually taking their disagreements to the public square. We are forgiven in Christ, ought we not forgive?