Cliff Sowa, ATP shares the importance of the sanctity of human life as well as a glimpse into our ministry outreach to Haywood Lodge, a retirement home in Waynesville. Cliff presents a message that he would later share to the residents at the Lodge.
Category: Special
Jesus Foretold – Pierced Side, Buried with the Rich, Resurrected and Ascended into Heaven
In the final installment of this series, Pastor Carl shows the sometimes veiled prophesies from the Old Testament fulfilled in the New. And because Jesus indeed resurrected and ascended into heaven, we too have the hope of heaven as we trust in Him.
Jesus Foretold – Betrayed for 30 Pieces of Silver
Jesus purpose in being born at Christmas was to die for the sins of the world at Easter. Pastor Carl shares a few Old Testament prophesies fulfilled by Jesus surrounding His crucifixion. Hundreds of years before it happened, Zechariah prophesied about the desolation of Israel because of the wicked shepherds paying for a prophesy they…
Jesus Foretold – In the Galilee
Jesus the Messiah would spend a majority of His time in the region of the Galilee, ministering to Jews and Gentiles. He also spoke in parables, healed the brokenhearted and was praised by children… as the Scriptures foretold.
Jesus Foretold – Born of a Virgin
Pastor Carl begins a series on 25 messianic prophecies of the over 100 in the Old Testament. The Messiah would be born of a virgin, despised and rejected by His own, declared the Son of God, would be a Nazarene, and a messenger would prepare the way for Messiah.
5 Angelic Pronouncements at the Garden Tomb
From Matthew 28:5-7, special guest Brian Tyndall shares a message from the angels spoken to the women at the empty tomb. The resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything! You cannot be an authentic Christian if you do not believe that fact! Learn more about Brian and Carla and their ministry at:
A New Sheriff in Town
Haywood Country Sheriff, Bill Wilke shares his call and ours as Christians to make the choice every day to follow after Jesus, leaving behind the desires of the flesh.
John 8:2-12 – The Rock Concert
Each of us have a stone, we can either throw it at someone or drop it. Special guest Pastor Doyle Holder shares Jesus’ reaction to the woman caught in adultery, deserving of being stoned to death.
The Cross Changes Everything
Jesus cancelled many things on the cross… our sin, our rejection, our pain, our burden. Pastor Carl explains some of what our Lord accomplished at the cross and celebrates the fact that He rose again to seal the deal and give us purpose and life!