Paul and Barnabas move on after being kicked out from Antioch to Iconium where they escape for their lives to Lystra where they are worshiped as gods and Paul is later stoned to death. “We must through many tribulations enter the Kingdom of God!”
Song of Songs 5 & 6
A bad dream after the wedding causes the Shulamite to re-prioritize and focus again on who her beloved is, his character and strength.
Acts 13:13-52
Paul shares in the synagogue of Antioch in Pisidia a short history of the nation of Israel and Jesus’ fulfillment as Messiah. The crowds love the message, the leaders don’t.
Song of Songs 3 – 5:1
Cliff and Carl continue their look at the greatest song ever penned, focusing on the wedding night and the blessings of patient commitment, faithfulness, service and divinely inspired love between a man and woman.
Acts 12 – 13:12
Herod has James assassinated and looks to take out Peter as well, however because of his pride Herod is taken out by the Lord and Peter is set free. The forces of good and evil continue to position themselves as our adventure continues.
Freedom in Christ Youth Conference
What is freedom anyway? We hear and proclaim that we are free to do what we want, but are we really? Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders, and leaders walking in true liberty are necessary for a prosperous, peaceful and God-honoring world. And that true liberty comes only through the proclamation and implementation of the Gospel…
Song of Songs 1 & 2
Pastor Carl and Brother Cliff take on the first two chapters of this celebration of marital love. Meet the characters and hear some of the comparisons to the relationship of Christ and His church.
Moldy Christians
Mold: Definition #1. Cavity used to shape a substance. Definition #2. A fungus that grows on decaying material. Intransitive verb: to become moldy.[1] Either definition can be used to describe some Christians and churches today. Some have been “pushed” into the world’s way of thinking by outside forces (parents, professors/teachers, movies, T.V., music, etc.). Without…
Acts 11
When confronted by the Jewish leadership in Jerusalem about eating with uncircumcised, Peter appeals to God and what He has done in the lives of the gentiles… the Lord poured out His Spirit!
Acts 10
Peter meets with Cornelius and the Holy Spirit falls on the gentiles, the Gospel is for everyone!