Saul of Tarsus is experienced with Greek and Hebrew culture and is the perfect fit for God to use to proclaim Christ to the people. He receives that call on the road to Damascus and his live (and the world) is changed forever!
The American Stress Pool
Just when Americans come up for a healthier breath, they are plunged into a whole new pool of uncertainty. The stress level of the average American is understandably at an unprecedented level.
John 4:27-38
Brian Tydall from Uttermost Evangelism shares about walking in the will of God and gives an update from the mission field. Connect with Brian and Carla on Facebook or
Acts 8:4-40
The killing of Shephen causes the Church to scatter, and Phillip ends up in Samaria proclaiming the Gospel. Many come to the Lord including a sorcerer named Simon… but does he really understand the Gospel? And being led by the Holy Spirit, Phillip teaches an Ethiopian about Jesus from Isaiah 53.
Acts 6, 7 & 8:1-3
The first deacons are selected to help minister to the people. Stephen is one of the first and not only can serve tables but can give an amazing sermon that leads to his death.
I Do Believe
Both God’s enemies and His children often make the same mistake, they underestimate the power of prayer. As Christians we put on false pretenses at times with regard to prayer. We believe, yet our actions tend to show more of an unbelief. How often do we say, “I’ll be praying…” but then we do not…
Acts 5:12-42
“We ought to obey God rather than men.” That’s what Peter testified before the Sanhedrin after being let out of jail by an angel and continuing to declare the name of Jesus after being ordered not to.
Acts 4:5 – 5:11
What is the fallout of healing a lame man? What is the consequence for lying to the Holy Spirit? The adventure continues with Peter, John and all the new followers of Jesus.
God-Honoring Love
Many people would not regard the Bible as a love story. In reality, it is the greatest love story ever written. It is a story of a loving God and His care for His creations, His children. It is a story of God’s Son laying His life down for the salvation of all men. Within…